Tech Solutions & IT Consulting


Threat Protection
Threat Protection

What is Threat Protection

Threat Protection is a security solution designed to defend you from everyday online cyber threats, like malware and trackers. It scans your files while you’re downloading them, identifies threats, and blocks them before they can harm your device.

Similarly to an antivirus, Threat Protection scans the files you download for malware and blocks them before they infect your device.

Threat Protection also blocks trackers and intrusive ads and stops you from landing on malicious websites.

Recorded Future
Group IP

XACTA’s Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) empowers threat analysts to perform faster, better, and deeper investigations while disseminating intelligence at machine-speed.


Protecting the mission critical Applications that Run your Business Like ERP & CRM.


Build and run attack scenarios that imitate real pervasive threats then measure your response.


Continuous validation against common attack vectors can finally enable the blue team to catch up with the red team.